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Boissevain Outdoor Mural

Highlight your community’s beauty

CWB National Leasing


Manitoba is home to vibrant murals that connect the community through public art.

Whether it’s an entire building wrapped in a Star Blanket in Brandon or a life-sized mural of a rustic scene on a wall in Boissevain, Manitoba is home to a variety of vibrant murals that connect community members through accessible, public art.

It seems no matter where you travel in Manitoba, there is more than just natural beauty to drink in.

Now, thanks to Mural 150, an initiative supported by CWB National Leasing, and in partnership with Wall-to-Wall Rural Mural Tour, communities across the province can apply for the chance to receive a $10,000 subsidy toward the creation of a contemporary, public-facing work of art.

“My hope for Mural 150 is to provide access to public works of art in rural communities where they may not otherwise exist,” said Michael Dubowec, President & CEO of CWB National Leasing. “Families from these towns can gaze upon the bright colours and be proud they are from Manitoba. Be inspired to engage in their communities in a positive way. And years from now look back on the mural and think Manitoba 150 – what a celebration!”

Community pride is a big factor behind CWB National Leasing’s support.

“Manitoba is home and being proud of where you come from is essential in living a positive life. On the eve of our anniversary, Manitobans are at our highest peak ー Grey Cup champions, a competitive NHL team, vibrant arts and cultural activities year round, expanding infrastructure, award winning tourist destination, diversified economy…just to name a few! Manitoba 150 - and Mural 150 - gives everyone an outlet to celebrate,” said Dubowec.

Up to five communities will be selected by a jury composed of Synonym Art Consultation’s team and guest curators.

Synonym Art Consultation is a curatorial collective of artists that oversees the Wall-to-Wall Rural Mural Tour. They are dedicated to providing a forum for local artists to find their voice through vibrant, inspirational, socially-conscious art. Along with promoting the creation of new art, the Tour incorporates cultural programming elements to promote art, dance, music and other creative channels.

“Through Wall-to-Wall, we strive to provide contemporary public art that is accessible and inspiring,” said Andrew Eastman, co-director and co-curator of Synonym Art Consultation and Wall-to-Wall. “We’re excited to see and hear the impact these murals will have in each community, and uplift the youth to demonstrate that a career in the arts is achievable.”

This dedication to telling a community’s rich and diverse story through art is part of what interested CWB National Leasing to support Mural 150.

Outdoor Mural

“It’s so easy to be a proud Manitoban. It revolves around our culture of caring for our community. We don’t live in an easy climate for a few months in the year and so we support each other during blizzards or in the spring with flooding or when our farmers are struggling with their crops. We constantly illustrate with our actions how much we care” said Dubowec, who understands that appreciation of public art is a sign of a strong community.

Mural 150 is an exciting way for five communities across the province to be a source of inspiration to Manitoba artists and tell their story in a unique visual way.

Submissions are open until January 31, 2020 at Mural installations will take place over the summer of 2020!

As originally published in a Winnipeg Free Press special insert on December 12, 2019

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