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Manitoba to celebrate its 150th Anniversary in 2020

CWB National Leasing


CWB National Leasing proudly presents Mural 150 as part of Manitoba 150 celebrations

In celebration of Manitoba’s 150th anniversary, communities across the province have a chance to apply to receive a contemporary, accessible, and public-facing work of art in 2020.

In partnership with Wall-to-Wall Rural Mural Tour and sponsored by CWB National Leasing, the Manitoba 150 Host Committee announces Mural 150.

“Manitoba artists will travel to destinations across the province and create striking murals that reflect and celebrate our history, our people, our culture, and our beauty,” says Stuart Murray, Co-Chair of The Manitoba 150 Host Committee.

Up to five Manitoba communities will receive a subsidy for the creation of a contemporary mural curated by Synonym Art Consultation that will highlight the local community, spark conversations, and inspire engagement. Communities that face barriers to accessing art, especially those in Northern Manitoba and Indigenous communities, will be given priority in receiving art and art-related workshops.

“We are excited that Mural 150 will give local artists the chance to profile and promote communities across Manitoba, and that Manitoba’s diverse communities will have the chance to tell the story of their people, history, and culture,” says Cathy Cox, Minister of Sport, Culture and Heritage.

“With a broad presence across the province, CWB National Leasing is proud to sponsor Mural 150, which will highlight the natural beauty of our communities. We believe that every community in our province is worthy of attention, and this initiative will inspire greater tourism, and fantastic local pride,” says Michael Dubowec, President and CEO of CWB National Leasing.

Synonym, part of the curatorial team of Wall-to-Wall, will oversee the submissions process, ensuring that the selected artists and communities flourish in unity. “After a successful pilot year in 2019, our team is thrilled to be expanding this project into more communities across Manitoba. We strongly believe all people should have equal access to public arts and arts programming and we’re excited to see and hear the impact these murals will have in each community,” says Andrew Eastman, co-founder and co-curator of Synonym Art Consultation.

Mural 150 is a celebration of the diverse communities that make Manitoba unique.

“The rich history of storytelling through art dates back thousands of years. Mural 150 is a fantastic way to create a lasting legacy for up to five communities across the province. Each piece will tell the story of the community in which it resides, and will inspire art, storytelling, and pride of place for all who see and visit the murals in 2020 and well after Manitoba 150 celebrations are over,” says Monique LaCoste, Co-Chair of The Manitoba 150 Host Committee.

Submissions to Mural 150 are open until January 31, 2020. Applications as well as additional information on Manitoba 150 can be found at


About The Manitoba 150 Host Committee Inc.

May 12, 2020 will mark 150 years since the Manitoba Act received royal assent, paving the way for Manitoba to become Canada’s fifth province. The Manitoba 150 Host Committee an independent, non-profit organization overseeing commemorative activities in celebration of our province, its beauty, people, culture, and history throughout the year.

The Manitoba 150 Host Committee aims to support initiatives and events that cultivate pride in our province, foster a profound connection with our diverse cultures and, above all, unite us in celebration.

About Wall-to-Wall Mural & Culture Festival Rural Mural Tour

From both the desire and excitement from rural communities rose the idea of bringing Winnipeg’s biggest mural festival, Wall-to-Wall, across Manitoba. Since Wall-to-Wall started in 2014 in partnership with Synonym Art Consultation and Graffiti Art Programming, there has been a genuine desire from the public that cities and towns across Manitoba need, want, and support more public art and art related events integrated into their everyday lives. Our devotion to Manitoba, its local businesses, and the artistic communities that thrive within them has driven Synonym Art Consultation to create a festival that is inclusive to all, thrives on collaboration and aims to garner international attention for Winnipeg and Manitoba as a hub for accessible public art.



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