CWB National Leasing launches new mobile-first website
CWB National Leasing launches its refreshed website that features updated design and mobile optimized navigation for Canadian equipment financing customers on the go.
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By: Samantha Squire, Public Relations Coordinator
The CWB National Leasing United Way committee organizes an entire week of fundraisers dedicated to the United Way Winnipeg. All together, they raised over $300,000 for United Way Winnipeg’s annual campaign last year! The city-wide campaign wrapped up in January and CWB National Leasing presented a cheque to United Way Winnipeg.
CWB National Leasing’s United Way committee presents a cheque to United Way Winnipeg for over $300,000.
In 2017, CWB National Leasing’s United Way Week took place from October 16-20.
“Our committee members were so ambitious they hosted events throughout United Way Week and kept going until the holidays,” said David Unruh, CWB National Leasing’s United Way committee chair.
For example, CWB National Leasing hosted a live music yoga class after work as a way to help raise money. They used the lunch room at the office, which can hold over 200 people and has windows that go from floor to ceiling. Other fundraising initiatives included CWB National Leasing trivia with a pizza lunch, a 5-km run and of course the classic CWB National Leasing live auction.
CWB National Leasing employees enjoy a live music yoga class at head office with all the proceeds going toward United Way Winnipeg.
Every year, on the Friday of United Way Week, CWB National Leasing hosts a live auction where their United Way committee chairs auction off incredible and unique prizes that are all donated by CWB National Leasing staff.
For example, Grant Shaw, Vice-president of Strategy and Culture, donated an auction prize called Coffee Break. The starting bid for Coffee Break was $40 and it included the winner’s choice of coffee (Tim’s, Starbucks, Mc Donalds – you name it!) delivered right to their desk every morning for one month.
“The live auction is my favourite fundraiser, I look forward to it every year,” said Grant. “Not only is it a ton of fun but it’s also really heart-warming to see our employees donate their time and treasures to such a noble cause.”
On top of United Way Week, CWB National Leasing also participates in United Way’s Sponsored Executive program. This year Account Manager Lynne Burton spent 16 weeks working at the United Way Winnipeg office on Main Street. “It was humbling, educational, inspiring and not to mention loads of fun,” said Lynne.
After hearing such incredible feedback from our staff every year, we look forward to participating in the Sponsored Executive program again in 2018.
“I’m so thankful to work for such an amazing organization that sees and demonstrates the importance of giving back. It’s changed me as a person and employee,” said Lynne.
See more pictures from CWB National Leasing’s United Way Fundraising initiatives below.
See more pictures from CWB National Leasing’s United Way Fundraising initiatives below.
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