CWB National Leasing launches new mobile-first website
CWB National Leasing launches its refreshed website that features updated design and mobile optimized navigation for Canadian equipment financing customers on the go.
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By: CWB National Leasing
Today, National Leasing Interactive released the ability for equipment dealers to complete financing applications from within this award-winning technology platform, making it that much easier for them to sell more equipment and service their customers quickly.
“This is a significant milestone to make National Leasing Interactive more than a quoting tool,” says Miles Macdonell, Senior Vice-president, Sales. “Now, when an equipment dealer hears ‘yes’ to a quote, they can simply, hit the ‘New App’ button and submit to our credit team for review. When you combine this technology with our industry leading turn around times, I can confidently say that CWB National Leasing equipment dealers will bring in more sales than their competitors.”
About National Leasing Interactive
National Leasing Interactive is the industry’s first online leasing system that helps equipment dealers offer financing to their customers from any mobile device. A few clicks allow them to calculate custom payments and complete financing applications. It was first released in fall 2015 and went on to win the Equipment Leasing and Financing Association’s Technology Award, as well as be featured in the Globe and Mail’s Report on Business.
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