CWB National Leasing launches new mobile-first website
CWB National Leasing launches its refreshed website that features updated design and mobile optimized navigation for Canadian equipment financing customers on the go.
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By: Janet Seniuk, Public Relations Coordinator
To celebrate Canada 150, we asked CWB National Leasing employees these questions and ended up with some great stories – from traveling across the country in a Winnebago to braving our fierce winters. We learned that “being Canadian” can have many different meanings, and that’s what makes it so special.
We’ve been counting down the days to Canada’s 150th birthday by sharing our stories all week. Check out today’s stories below and read more on our blog. And of course, wherever you’re celebrating tomorrow, happy Canada Day!
My mom and dad always said, “there is no sense travelling to other countries unless you’ve seen your own first.”
As Canadians, we all know that could be a lifelong endeavor given the size of this great land; however, mom and dad had a solution. Wouldn’t it be a great idea to pack up their five girls, ages 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11, in a big yellow bus and haul them across the country for one summer?
They would see the land, the people, learn some history and see the sites. We would start by heading east from Winnipeg. West in the next summer, with the same Winnebago.
So off we went, with floral plastic dishes of the 70s and four 8-track tapes – The Beatles, The Irish Rovers, Three Dog Night and The Rolling Stones (all my dad’s selections).
I cried the night before we left. My parents didn’t understand what was upsetting me. It was my fear of not being able to speak French when we reached Quebec. They assured me I would be fine.
We saw museums, churches, and Parliament Hill, and we traveled on ferries and ate lobster when we finally reached P.E.I. We learned about our history and visited many forts and ports.
We survived two siblings having mumps and learned games from locals when parents needed a break from us. We played a lot of cribbage, and I personally counted road kill. Our super cheap yellow motorhome rental broke down several times during the trip, which only encouraged the five of us to entertain ourselves on the side of many highways – all with incredibly diverse scenery.
This is my greatest Canadian moment. My parents instilled in us an appreciation for this remarkable country of ours at a very early age. I have since traveled extensively around the world and can honestly say with great passion, there is no place like home!
My parents immigrated to Canada from Ukraine in 1980. First, they lived in Kenora, Ontario and then they moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba where I became the first born Canadian in our family.
Winnipeg had (and still has) a very vibrant and active Ukie population, and they embraced our family with open arms. They helped my parents learn English and find jobs.
Growing up, I got the chance to participate in many English/Ukrainian camps where we taught Canadians traditions like Ukrainian dancing, singing and perogy-making, and they taught us about hockey and Canadian cooking and crafts.
Now, I honour my country by being a hockey fan, tearing up every time I hear O Canada and spending time exploring our beautiful Canadian landscapes.
Looking back on my childhood and thinking about our country today makes me feel very proud to be Canadian. We continue to accept newcomers with open arms and embrace so many unique cultures. Canada is one big melting pot of interesting people and stories, and that makes me very happy to call this beautiful place home.
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